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Medialthea promotes and defends the rights of children and young generations. Support us by attenting our next events or joining our programs.

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Your support can make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children and their mothers. Help Medialthea provide education, healthcare, and a brighter future to those who need it most.


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Programs Supported by Medialthea

Programs Supported
by Medialthea

Featured Program

Scholarships for students in Perù

Scholaships to deserving students in Perù Scholaships to deserving students in Perù About   Medialthea will continue its support for education, learning, and inclusion initiatives for children in disadvantaged contexts in 2025 with a fundraising campaign aimed at financing two educational projects in Perù. The goal is to provide scholarships…

Other programs Supported by Medialthea

Other programs Supported
by Medialthea