Please join us to help children around the world have a better life

Our Mission

Child Support and Protection

Medialthea is a non-profit association dedicated to promote and defend the rights of children and young generations, particularly the most disadvantaged (orphans, abandoned children, refugees, victims of abuse) and their mothers.

In Medialthea, we provide for their development, protection and improvement of well-being, formal and professional education, living conditions and self-fulfilment, with a strong emphasis on medical and health assistance.

Projects around the World

We work in partnerships with national and international organisations, institutions, associations or individuals to ensure a local, concrete and measurable impact.

In less than four years, Medialthea has collected close to a million Euro for the benefit of thousands of children, of their families and of their communities in South America, Africa and Europe.

Who we are

Maria Francesca Angelini

President and Founder
Medialthea can operate anywhere in the world, in any place where children are suffering. It can support private individuals, other associations, and even contribute to large-scale projects.

Medialthea was founded in 2021 by entrepreneur Maria Francesca Angelini.

The core focus of the association is children. The goal is to improve children’s well-being:

What is Medialthea inspired by?

Medialthea is inspired by the family and personal values of the founder, combining the memory of her grandfather  Enrico Medi, a figure of great human and scientific value, with the symbolic meaning of the name Althea, that in Greek means “WHO HEALS AND CARE”.

“My grandfather always used to say, and I completely agree, that children hold the truth, the future wisdom, the future knowledge; children are the cradle of civilization and humanity. Above all, I believe that the greatest abomination is leaving a child in suffering.”

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Join us to promote and defend the rights of children and young generations